Tuesday, July 19, 2005

And now I'm here to provide some thought provoking stuff...

Thought provoking.
Gimme a minute.....
We need to make sure we use Godwin's Law on this site.
Godwins Law states that:

The longer an internet discussion continues, the more likely it is the disintegrate into a flame involving comparison with the Nazis or Hitler. As the thread ages, the probability approaches one.

There is a tradition that, once this occurs, that thread is over, and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever argument was in progress. This is Godwins Law.

Godwins Law guarantees the existence of an upper bound on thread/argument length. There is a widely held codicil that any intentional triggering of Godwins Law in order to invoke its thread ending effects will be unsuccessful.

No, I don't know who Godwin is.

All in favour of using Godwin's Law say Aye...

Monday, July 18, 2005

love your neighbour...

I thought I'd start the first thought provoking discussion. I thought I'd like to call it 'love your neighbour'. So I did.
Jesus says to love your neighbour as you love yourself.
This gets translated as 'treat others as you'd wanna be treated'.
Let's face it, it's a principle that's been taken on board by the majority of people on this crazy planet we call Earth, regardless of whether you're Christian or not. Heck, a fair bit of the legal system is based on this principle - so much so that we like to call it 'the neighbour princple'

So do you think we're living up to this principle?
If you were to write a report card for yourself, your friends, your family, your faith (or lack of) and your nation on how well we're doing at this - how would you grade it?

Don't worry, all the non-Christians, there will be discussion without the word God in it.

the obligatory first post

Hey kids, I thought I'd take some of the pressure of my blog (as well as myself!) and start a blog for people who want to battle it out on thought provoking (not to mention emotion evoking) topics.

There's gotta be ground rules for this kind of thing or else it'll turn into a total blood bath.

*Don't go into this with a chip on your shoulder - it won't help, trust me.
*Don't take anything discussed here personally, don't go out intending to make comments that people will take personally - use your common sense in discerning this.
*Do your homework - if you're gonna make a statement, be prepared to be asked to back it up.
*If you're going to comment on something that someone's written and they refer to something, check it out! They've obviously referred to it for a reason and it'll make a whole lot more sense for you.
*If you get angry and upset at what someone's written then breathe, make yourself a coffee (or nearest relevant beverage), calm down, think about it and then reply to it.
*Be logical in your argument - make it easy for the person to understand what you're saying.
*This is the usual ethical palaver - but don't make derogatory comments about or towards people's gender, physical attributes, religion, ethnicity, etc, blah. You guys know all this - I'm just saying it so I can say that I've said it and so you guys can say that you've been told.
*Have fun!

The name of the blog may or may not change when my brain it functioning properly. This blog is open to membership which means that if you want to start some thought provoking discussion, you can! Just let me know by commenting to this post that you wanna be a member and I'll get you all started with that. Be patient with this kind of stuff. An exciting and thought provoking topic will be posted soon for you all to duel over.